elephant- [el-uh-fuhnt] noun.
a situation that posses challenging qualities, often inspiring introspective reflections and extrovert interactions leading to the development of creative processes.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Dream Entry

So I'm entering a couple fo my dreams that I've compiled for our continuing dream unit.

2/4 -- All I can remember is trying to walk up my basement stairs with the lights off and I was extremely disoriented (dizzy) trying o walk up the stairs, which was proving to be difficult. One of my good friends was sleeping at my hose which was actually my aunt and uncles house and I got yelled at by my parents for it. As I walked into the kitchen my family is playing cards with both my deceased Uncles, laughing and having a good time.

2/6 -- This one was a little weird. It starts off with me a a dark and dirty street walking up to the house in the final scene of Gran Torino, and stand in front staring up at the center window. I stand there looking around, and a guy asks me if I want to buy some drugs. I'm thinking about going to the cops and busting the house, but when i get back to my house there is a cop there harassing a friend of mine. He starts shaking the garage door threatening to open it and when he does a large metal object about the size of a microwave falls on his head.

2/7 -- This one was about a motorcycle adventure..It starts off me driving in my friend Brad's car and then driving down a windy road almost going over the bank on every turn. All of a sudden a girl on a motorcycle comes and pick's me up and I hop on the bike. We start going 200-300 mph around a really futuristic race track. Then we were all at a party.

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