elephant- [el-uh-fuhnt] noun.
a situation that posses challenging qualities, often inspiring introspective reflections and extrovert interactions leading to the development of creative processes.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Class 11

Posted this one a bit afterwords so i could find my material.....

Today we presented out YTU #1 to our small groups today.
I presented on the history, importance of, and creative spects of perspective drawing. The technical skill of drawing is imperative to success in my major, Industrial Design. It gives designers the ability to communicate more accurately by using a combination of images and words. Perspective was developed by exploring a set a geometrical relationships and how the eye perceives space.

Below are some drawings I did for the presentation to teach my classmates:

Matt presented on the different shapes of guitars and what each one has been used for. I posted the most ridiculous one I could find that he talked about:

The other Matt presented on a Dan Roam's, "The Back of a Napkin"
You can see my stick drawing of Abe Lincoln on the drawing of the computer.

Our fourth group member presented on Larry David, one of the creative geniuses behind Seinfeld. He stressed that his creativity stems from his ability to find daily life funny or quirky.

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