elephant- [el-uh-fuhnt] noun.
a situation that posses challenging qualities, often inspiring introspective reflections and extrovert interactions leading to the development of creative processes.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Class 12

Today the class presented their You Teach us presentations, Adam was up first and was discussing "Creativity in Education"
  • education can open the door, offers us opportunity to learn things we might not be otherwise be exposed to, but can be done in a much more creative way.
  • drew a widget: (i digitally re-sketched it)
Gavin talked about UPC codes and the problems with them:
  • ugly
  • they are not international
  • the are finite in their ability to track information
Yousif talked about the art of deception and did some pretty cool magic tricks.
  • it is about directing the audiences attention elsewhere, controlling the flow of focus
  • I went on youtube and found my favorite magic trick:

Ali talked about the "Fun Theory"
  • suggests that you can change peoples behavior by makin daily routines fun to do.
  • heres an example video he showed us with a piano staircase:

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