elephant- [el-uh-fuhnt] noun.
a situation that posses challenging qualities, often inspiring introspective reflections and extrovert interactions leading to the development of creative processes.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Class 24

We presented our YTU's to our small groups

I presented progressive rock, one of my favorite genres of music. If I were to actually a genre of rock myself I would be progressive rock. Ultimately progressive rock tried to turn traditional rock and roll into an art form. On every occasion it tried to grow an appreciation for the literal instrumentation of music, as well as the narratives and story being told by those instruments. It has often been described as the Victorian age of rock'n'roll; stage performances were crazy with elaborate costumes and flying pianos, and the songs stretched for long lengths of time often focusing on sci/fantasy themes. You can find my Powerpoint presentation on progressive rock here:

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