elephant- [el-uh-fuhnt] noun.
a situation that posses challenging qualities, often inspiring introspective reflections and extrovert interactions leading to the development of creative processes.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Assignments Collection

Here is a collection of assignments AND MY NAME TAG! we've had over the course of the semester......


I have been trying to get better at drawing cars for the semester do i figure i would post some and explain my process a bit. As I began I fought with exactly how the car sat in perspective and kinda got stuck, meaning I would draw every car from the same angle all the time. Seeing that though, I looked to some design drawing books and online picture galleries for some inspiration and found an abundance of material to help me progress this is a little bit of the transition and some results.


My Inspiration

I wanted to post a collection things/websites that give me inspiration as I move along......

  • a website that I CONSTANTLY check, it provides a source of images from all over the internet and compiles them into one place. The daily inpiration section is a absolute favorite of mine.
  • a quick website to visit that displays a single comic that is often appeals to dry humor
  • an awesome place to explore some really talented artists who do a lot of digital artwork
Here's a painting I did based on one of the discussions there:
the painting is creative because in order to work with a digital medium u have to understand not only how the software works, but how to paint and translate between the two.....I started with basic shapes and gradually became more and more detailed.

  • I also always check out postsecret.blogspot.com as well, the secrets give me insights into how other people function, cope, and celebrate.
Within each of these sites is myriad of information , whether photos or words, that always continues to inspire me.

I also have a subscription to and always read PopSci and Juxtapose magazines, both kinda sit on opposite sides of the spectrum for material, but I'm addicted to design an art. Here's some images from both that I collected:

  • Juxtapose (physical Issue Brought turned in)
I also take inspiration from literary sources as well, continually from the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" series

Here's a couple quotes to get your mind jogging: (Douglas Adam's has a very, very dry sense of humor)

A Reflection

A look back.....

As I look back on my entire PCA I'd like to start off by asking a few questions about some of the content that I've present, particularly questions I'd like to explore a little further, and have as semester has gone on.....
  • What other types of progressive rock artists are out there?
  • I think I am going to explore more artists because the genre and its eccentricities piques my interest
  • What other kind of magic tricks are out there that I can possibly do? (I've asked myself that along the way and actually found several- I've perfected a few :)
  • I have learned to magically 'print' out business cards, as well as a few feats of slight of hand
  • How can nurture my own creativity?
  • I haven't found a definitive answer as of yet, but I find I am most creative when I have the passion to be. So I spose do things that make me happy and creativity will come naturally
I put together this list during the early part of the semester of some things I'd like to see, and I'm happy to say I've made a little bit of progress:

I've made a portfolio of my design work, and created a blog :) I've also got prospect for and internship this summer, which I'm excited for.

Class 11

Posted this one a bit afterwords so i could find my material.....

Today we presented out YTU #1 to our small groups today.
I presented on the history, importance of, and creative spects of perspective drawing. The technical skill of drawing is imperative to success in my major, Industrial Design. It gives designers the ability to communicate more accurately by using a combination of images and words. Perspective was developed by exploring a set a geometrical relationships and how the eye perceives space.

Below are some drawings I did for the presentation to teach my classmates:

Matt presented on the different shapes of guitars and what each one has been used for. I posted the most ridiculous one I could find that he talked about:

The other Matt presented on a Dan Roam's, "The Back of a Napkin"
You can see my stick drawing of Abe Lincoln on the drawing of the computer.

Our fourth group member presented on Larry David, one of the creative geniuses behind Seinfeld. He stressed that his creativity stems from his ability to find daily life funny or quirky.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Class 28

Today We present our Fairytale Endings. WE had to take a fairytale and change the ending-- also, the moral had to show how creativity works in some way.....so we made Jack and the Bean Stalk into and action flick that emphasizes the seven principles from Michael Gelb's book, "The Genius in You-- The seven Leonardo Da Vinci Principles", where Jack is a drug addict. It gets crazy after that...so I'll post a piece of the script and give you the link to get the rest:

Narrator: Broke, desperate, and not knowing where the stalk would lead, Jack remembers something he learned from a book about Leonardo Da Vinci that he read some time ago. [SFUMATO]. Embracing the ambiguity of the stalk, Jack decides to climb it and see where it leads him.

[Jack climbing the bean stalk. Say “it’s an art museum! I can sell this for money to help both my family and my drug addiction! This is perfect!”]

Narrator: Jack thinks he’s hit the Jackpot. The only thing that stands in the way is a large, intimidating security giant who is the museum’s security guard. Still, Jack is excited that there is a chance to steal the art. He quickly tries to devise a plan................

You can find the rest here:


(P.S. We even have a sword fight!)

The other group that I liked the most also did Jack and the Bean Stalk rendition. They told the story quickly once through and then promptly stop and say "You think that's how it really went down? Nah, this is the real story..." and the whole story is about how Jack goes on a giant drug trip.....hahaha.

Class 27

  • music collaboration
  • 9 inch nail remixes
I thought the remixes eh played were surprisingly good - he chose to bands I thought honestly were impossible to mix but they sounded like they were made to be together.

  • talked about mashups and DJ software (DJ)
I was inspired by his talk to go out and find a mashup that i could post here
I found the Hood Internet that i can't stop listening to now.....


  • cookies
  • dry ingredients,wet ingredients, fat and sugar mix
  • taste test......and they were amazing!!!!