elephant- [el-uh-fuhnt] noun.
a situation that posses challenging qualities, often inspiring introspective reflections and extrovert interactions leading to the development of creative processes.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Class 6

We learned about Gelb's 7 principles to day from his book "How to Think like Leanardo Davinci"

Curiosita’ – curiosity
Dimostrazione – testing knowledge through experience
Sensazione – refining the senses
Sfumato – embracing ambiguity
Arte/Scienza – balancing art between art and science
Corporalita’ – developing fitness
Connessione – everything is connected

We then had to do a quick presentation in class, my group had sensazione:

sensazione -- refining the senses

"The ability to visualize a desired outcome is built into your brain, and your brain is designed to help you succeed in matching that picture with your performance. And the more thoroughly you involve all your senses, the more compelling your visualization becomes."

It about paying attention to what you pay attention to, especially what consistently catches your eye.

Application of sensazione:

My personal application of this principle was in art. In order to draw better and really accurately describe what it is you are drawing in front of you, you have to stop thinking, and begin to see- don't label the object draw the shape and line. It is not a person you are drawing but a curvy shape here and a curvy shape there.

If I could ask the author one question:

Why do you think creativity is taught as a subject in schools?

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