elephant- [el-uh-fuhnt] noun.
a situation that posses challenging qualities, often inspiring introspective reflections and extrovert interactions leading to the development of creative processes.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Class 16

Bio creativity Unit: A day spent looking at bugs....

Today we looked at bugs, and a bunch of 'em. Our assignment was to look and list as many creative features bugs have developed as inspiration for a creative product/idea to present in the coming class periods. We looked at several bugs including giant grasshoppers, which i almost literally threw up looking at........monarch butterflies, caterpillars and we, of course, settled on looking at termites as our source of inspiration.

Here's some observation's I made while looking at an array of bug's:
  • Praying Mantis have nearly 360 degree vision and can strike as fast as 1/100th of a second.
  • Lady bugs wings fold and contract by a set of exterior muscles, that's why they take some time to pull in.
  • Cicadas live most of their life underground.
  • Butterflies eat toxic food so they become toxic to predators, colors indicate that....
  • wings have no muscle
FUN FACT: successful mating plays into survival of the fittest
  • Camel Cricket has 3, 4" syringes on its back
  • also are stingers
FUN FACT: humidity/temp and species diversity have a direct relationship

  • 3 types of termites
  • Queen is HUUUUUUUUGGGGGEE!!!!!!!!!!!
  • some soldier species shoot acid out its forehead
Peace for now~

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